Age Calculator

Calculate exact age in various time units.

Please enter a valid date that's not in the future

Understanding Age Calculation

Different Ways to Express Age

Age can be expressed in several formats, each useful for different purposes:

  • Traditional (Years, Months, Days): Most commonly used in everyday situations
  • Decimal Age: Used in scientific and medical contexts
  • Time Units: Expression in hours, minutes, seconds for specific applications

Age Calculation Formulas

To calculate the total days between two dates, the following formula can be used:

Total Days = (Year Difference × 365) + (Number of Leap Days) + (Day Difference)


  1. Calculate Year Difference:
    • Year Difference = End Year - Start Year
  2. Account for Leap Days:
    • Leap years add one extra day (366 days).
    • A year is a leap year if:
      (Year % 4 == 0) AND (Year % 100 != 0) OR (Year % 400 == 0)
    • Count the number of leap years between the start and end dates.
  3. Calculate Partial Months and Days:
    • Convert months to days using month lengths (e.g., January = 31 days).
    • Consider February's variable length (28 or 29 days).
    • Add remaining days in the start and end months.

Combining these, you get the total number of days between two dates.


Find the total days between January 1, 2020, and March 1, 2023:

  • Year Difference: 3 years → \(3 × 365 = 1095\)
  • Leap Days: 1 (2020 is a leap year)
  • Partial Months and Days:
    • January 2023 = 31 days
    • February 2023 = 28 days
    • March 1, 2023 = 1 day

Total: \(1095 + 1 + 59 = 1155\) days

Code Example in Python:

Python Code
from datetime import date

# Input dates (year, month, day)
start_date = date(2020, 1, 1)
end_date = date(2023, 3, 1)

# Calculate total days
total_days = (end_date - start_date).days
print(f"Total days: {total_days}")  # Output: 1155

Code Example in Excel:

You can also calculate total days in Excel using the DATEDIF function:

Excel Formula
=DATEDIF(A1, B1, "d")

Here, A1 contains the start date, and B1 contains the end date.

Code Example in R:

R Code
# Example Date of Birth
# year-month-day
dob <- as.Date("1990-06-15")

# Current Date
today <- Sys.Date()

# Calculate Age
age <- as.numeric(difftime(today, dob, units = "days")) / 365.25
age <- floor(age) # Round down to get the full years

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why do we use 365.25 days per year?

The 365.25 figure accounts for leap years: normal years have 365 days, but every fourth year has 366 days. This averages to 365.25 days per year over a four-year cycle.

Q: How accurate are these calculations?

These calculations are highly accurate for everyday use, but keep in mind:

  • Month lengths vary (28-31 days)
  • Leap years occur every 4 years (with some exceptions)
  • Time zones may affect exact times

Q: Why use decimal age instead of years and months?

Decimal age is particularly useful for:

  • Scientific calculations and research
  • Comparing ages precisely
  • Medical growth charts
  • Statistical analysis

Q: When do I legally become a certain age?

Legally, you reach a new age on the day before your birthday. For example, if you were born on July 15, you legally turn 18 at midnight (00:00) on July 14. This is known as the "coming of age" rule in many jurisdictions.

Q: What is the "age rule" in sports and education?

Many organizations use "cut-off dates" to determine age groups. For example, a sports league might use January 1st as the cut-off, meaning everyone born in the same calendar year plays in the same age group. Schools often use September 1st as their cut-off date for grade placement.

Q: How do different cultures calculate age?

Age calculation varies across cultures:

  • East Asian Age Reckoning: Babies are considered 1-year-old at birth and gain a year on New Year's Day
  • Western Age: Age is counted from 0 at birth and increases on birthdate anniversaries

Q: How old am I if I am 10,000 days old?

10,000 days can be converted to more familiar units:

  • Traditional Format: 27 years, 4 months, and 17 days
  • Weeks: \[ \frac{10,000}{7} \approx 1,428.57 \text{ weeks} \]

Calculation breakdown (converting 10,000 days to years, months, and days):

  1. First, calculate complete years:
    Divide total days by days per year (accounting for leap years): \[ \text{Total Years} = \left\lfloor\frac{10,000}{365.25}\right\rfloor = 27 \text{ years} \]
    Note: The \(\left\lfloor \right\rfloor\) symbols mean we round down to get complete years
  2. Calculate remaining days after removing complete years:
    Subtract (years × days per year) from total days: \[ 10,000 - (27 \times 365.25) = 137.25 \text{ days} \]
    These are the days we'll convert to months and remaining days
  3. Convert remaining days to complete months:
    Divide by average days per month: \[ \left\lfloor\frac{137.25}{30.44}\right\rfloor = 4 \text{ months} \]
    30.44 is the average month length (365.25 ÷ 12)
  4. Calculate final remaining days:
    Subtract (months × average days per month) from remaining days: \[ 137.25 - (4 \times 30.44) \approx 17 \text{ days} \]
    These are the days left after accounting for complete years and months

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    <p>Source: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Research Scientist Pod - Age Calculator </a></p>
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Further Reading

If you want to explore more about age calculations and related concepts, here are some useful resources: