How to Convert Enum to String in C++

by | C++, Programming, Tips

Converting enums to strings is a common requirement in C++ programming, whether for debugging, logging, or user interface purposes. In this guide, we’ll explore different approaches to achieve this conversion, from traditional methods to modern C++ techniques.

📚 Quick Reference
A user-defined data type consisting of a set of named constants called enumerators, used to represent a fixed set of options or states.
enum class
A strongly-typed enumeration (C++11) that provides better type safety and scoping compared to traditional enums, preventing implicit conversions.
A keyword indicating that a value or function can be evaluated at compile time, enabling more efficient enum-to-string conversions.
String Literal
A sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes that represents text, commonly used for enum string representations.
Static Array
A fixed-size array that stores string representations of enum values, typically used in the classic conversion approach.
Type Safety
A programming language feature that helps prevent type-related errors by enforcing strict type checking rules.
Template Metaprogramming
A C++ programming technique that uses templates to perform computations at compile-time, often used in modern enum conversion methods.
The ability of a program to inspect and manipulate its structure at runtime, partially simulated in enum-to-string conversion utilities.

Why Convert Enums to Strings?

Converting enums to strings is a fundamental requirement in many C++ applications, serving several important purposes:

  • Debugging and Logging: When tracking program execution or debugging issues, having readable string representations of enum values makes logs much more comprehensible than raw numeric values.
  • User Interface Display: Applications often need to display enum values in a user-friendly format, such as showing status messages or configuration options.
  • Serialization: When saving enum values to files or transmitting them over networks, string representations are often more robust and maintainable than numeric values.
  • Configuration Systems: Reading settings from configuration files often requires parsing string values back into enums, making bidirectional conversion essential.
  • Testing and Validation: String representations make unit tests more readable and help in validating enum-based logic.

While C++ doesn’t provide built-in enum-to-string conversion like some other languages, there are several effective approaches to implement this functionality. Each method has its own trade-offs in terms of maintenance, type safety, and runtime performance. Let’s explore these different approaches and understand when to use each one.

Classic Approach with Arrays

The classic method for converting enums to strings involves using a static array of strings where each index corresponds to an enum value. This approach is simple and efficient for small, stable enums.

Basic Array Method
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

// Define the enum
enum Color {
    MAX_COLORS  // Used to determine the size of the enum

// Array of strings corresponding to enum values
const char* ColorStrings[] = {

// Convert enum to string
std::string colorToString(Color color) {
    if (color >= MAX_COLORS) {
        return "Unknown";  // Handle invalid enum values
    return ColorStrings[color];

int main() {
    Color myColor = BLUE;
    std::cout << "Color: " << colorToString(myColor) << std::endl;

    return 0;
Output: Color: Blue

Advantages: This method is easy to implement and works well for enums with a small, fixed number of values. It provides direct mapping with minimal overhead.

Limitations: Maintaining the array can be error-prone if the enum is modified, and it doesn't handle sparse or non-sequential enums effectively.

Switch Statement Method

The switch statement approach is a more verbose but versatile method for converting enums to strings. It offers strong type safety, especially when using enum class, and benefits from IDE support like warnings for unhandled cases.

Switch Statement Approach
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

enum class Direction {  // Using enum class for type safety

std::string directionToString(Direction dir) {
    switch (dir) {
        case Direction::NORTH: return "North";
        case Direction::SOUTH: return "South";
        case Direction::EAST:  return "East";
        case Direction::WEST:  return "West";
        default:               return "Unknown";  // Handle invalid cases

int main() {
    Direction dir = Direction::NORTH;
    std::cout << "Direction: " << directionToString(dir) << std::endl;

    return 0;
Output: Direction: North

Advantages: This method ensures type safety, especially when using enum class. It also leverages compiler warnings for missing cases, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors.

Limitations: The switch approach can become unwieldy for enums with many values, making it harder to maintain as the enum grows.

Use Case: Ideal for scenarios where type safety and clarity are prioritized, such as enums with a manageable number of values that require distinct string representations.

Modern C++ Approaches

With advancements in C++17 and later, enum-to-string conversion has become more efficient and elegant. These modern approaches leverage constexpr and templates to provide compile-time solutions with no runtime overhead, ensuring better performance and maintainability.

Template-based Approach (C++17)
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
#include <array>

enum class Status {
    COUNT  // Used to define the size of the enum

// Compile-time string array
constexpr std::array statusStrings{

// Compile-time function for conversion
constexpr std::string_view statusToString(Status s) {
    // Using static_cast to safely convert enum to size_t index
    return statusStrings[static_cast<size_t>(s)];

int main() {
    Status status = Status::PENDING;
    std::cout << "Status: " << statusToString(status) << std::endl;

    return 0;
Output: Status: Pending

Why Use This Approach?

  • Performance: The conversion happens at compile time, eliminating runtime overhead and making this approach highly efficient.
  • Type Safety: The use of enum class and constexpr ensures that the conversion logic is safe and prevents accidental misuse.
  • Maintainability: Changes to enum values are automatically reflected in the string array, reducing the risk of mismatches or errors.

Limitations: This approach works best for enums with contiguous values starting from 0. Sparse or custom-assigned enums may require additional handling.

Use Case: Ideal for scenarios where performance and compile-time safety are critical, such as embedded systems, games, and real-time applications.

Using Magic Enum Library

For modern C++ projects, the Magic Enum library provides a convenient way to convert enums to strings without manual mapping.

Magic Enum Example
#include <iostream>
#include "magic_enum.hpp"

enum class Weather {

int main() {
    Weather weather = Weather::CLOUDY;

    // Automatic string conversion
    std::cout << "Weather: "
              << magic_enum::enum_name(weather)
              << std::endl;

    return 0;
Weather: CLOUDY

Note: Magic Enum requires C++17 or later and needs to be included as a header-only library in your project.

Including Magic Enum in Code

  • Download the Magic Enum Library
    Magic Enum is a header-only library, so you don't need to compile or link anything. Download the magic_enum.hpp file from the Magic Enum GitHub repository.
    • Go to the repository: Magic Enum.
    • Download the magic_enum.hpp file or clone the repository:
    • git clone
  • Place the Header File in Your Project
    Add the magic_enum.hpp file to a location where your compiler can find it. For example:
    • Place the file in the same directory as your source code.
    • Alternatively, use a dedicated folder like include/ and configure your project to include it.
  • Include Magic Enum in Your Code
    Modify your code to include the header file:
    #include "magic_enum.hpp"

Best Practices

When implementing enum-to-string conversion in C++, adhering to best practices ensures your code is robust, maintainable, and efficient. Below are detailed recommendations to follow:

  • Use enum class instead of plain enums for type safety:

    The enum class, introduced in C++11, provides better type safety compared to plain enums. It avoids implicit conversions to integers and helps prevent naming conflicts by scoping the enumerators to the enum type.


    enum class Color {
    // Access with scope
    Color c = Color::RED;
  • Keep string representations consistent with enum names:

    Ensure that the string values you use for enums match the enum names for clarity and consistency. This practice helps avoid confusion and makes debugging easier.


    const char* ColorStrings[] = {
        "RED",  // Matches the enum name
  • Consider using compile-time solutions when possible:

    Compile-time solutions, such as constexpr arrays or template-based approaches, reduce runtime overhead and make your code more efficient. They also minimize the risk of runtime errors.

    Example with constexpr:

    constexpr std::array<const char*, 3> ColorStrings = {
    constexpr const char* colorToString(Color c) {
        return ColorStrings[static_cast<size_t>(c)];
  • Handle invalid enum values gracefully:

    Always include a mechanism to handle invalid or out-of-range enum values. This ensures your code is robust and avoids undefined behavior.


    std::string colorToString(Color color) {
        if (static_cast<size_t>(color) >= ColorStrings.size()) {
            return "Unknown";
        return ColorStrings[static_cast<size_t>(color)];
  • Document the conversion behavior in your code:

    Add comments or documentation to explain how the enum-to-string conversion works. This is particularly important in larger codebases or when using external libraries like Magic Enum.


    // Converts a Color enum value to its string representation.
    // Returns "Unknown" for invalid values.
    std::string colorToString(Color color);

By following these best practices, you can implement enum-to-string conversion in a way that is efficient, maintainable, and aligned with modern C++ standards.


Converting enums to strings in C++ is a common requirement that can be approached in several ways, each with its own advantages and trade-offs. Let's summarize the key points we've covered:

  • Classic Array Method: Simple to implement but requires manual maintenance. Best for small, stable enums where simplicity is preferred over automation.
  • Switch Statement Approach: Provides excellent type safety and IDE support. Ideal when you need complete control over string representations and want compiler warnings about unhandled enum values.
  • Modern Template Approach: Offers compile-time conversion with no runtime overhead. Perfect for performance-critical applications that can leverage C++17 features.
  • Magic Enum Library: Provides the most convenient solution with minimal boilerplate code. Recommended for modern C++ projects where automatic reflection-like behavior is desired.

When choosing between these methods, consider your project's specific needs:

  • If you're working on a legacy codebase or need maximum compatibility, go with the classic array or switch methods.
  • For modern C++ projects where performance is crucial, use the template-based approach.
  • If you want a hassle-free solution and are using C++17 or later, the Magic Enum library is your best bet.

Remember that whichever method you choose, maintaining consistency and handling edge cases appropriately is key to creating robust, maintainable code.

Further Reading

To deepen your understanding of enum-to-string conversion and modern C++ practices, explore the following resources:

  • Try Your Code: Online C++ Compiler

    Experiment with the code examples from this post using a convenient online C++ compiler hosted by Research Data Pod.

  • C++ Enumerations Documentation

    A comprehensive reference for understanding the syntax and features of enums and enum classes in C++.

  • Magic Enum Library

    Official GitHub repository for the Magic Enum library, providing detailed examples and setup instructions for modern C++ enum handling.

  • ISO C++ Official Website

    The official site for the C++ Standard, featuring the latest news, resources, and insights into the C++ language and community.

  • LuaBridge for Enum Integration

    A library for integrating C++ enums into Lua scripts, showcasing advanced uses of enums in cross-language applications.

These resources provide a mix of documentation, libraries, tools, and hands-on platforms to further your learning and experimentation with enums in C++.

Attribution and Citation

If you found this guide and tools helpful, feel free to link back to this page or cite it in your work!

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Senior Advisor, Data Science | [email protected] |  + posts

Suf is a senior advisor in data science with deep expertise in Natural Language Processing, Complex Networks, and Anomaly Detection. Formerly a postdoctoral research fellow, he applied advanced physics techniques to tackle real-world, data-heavy industry challenges. Before that, he was a particle physicist at the ATLAS Experiment of the Large Hadron Collider. Now, he’s focused on bringing more fun and curiosity to the world of science and research online.

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