Oz to Cups Converter

This calculator converts between US fluid ounces (fl oz) and US cups. While there are different cup measurements used around the world (like the metric cup of 250ml or the Imperial cup of 284.13ml), this converter uses the US cup (236.59ml) as its standard. One US cup equals 8 US fluid ounces.

Important Notes:

  • This converter is for liquid volume measurements only
  • 1 US cup = 8 US fluid ounces = 236.59 milliliters
  • Use this for recipes that specify US measurements
  • For dry ingredients, weight measurements are recommended over volume

Enter a value to convert


Conversion History

Common Conversions & Information

Cups Fluid Ounces Common Use
\(\frac{1}{4}\) cup 2 fl oz Small ingredients
\(\frac{1}{3}\) cup \(2\frac{2}{3}\) fl oz Liquid ingredients
\(\frac{1}{2}\) cup 4 fl oz Standard measurement
1 cup 8 fl oz Full cup measure
\(1\frac{1}{2}\) cups 12 fl oz Common recipe amount
\(2\frac{1}{4}\) cups 18 fl oz Large recipes

Conversion Formula

1 cup = 8 fluid ounces (fl oz)
\[\text{Cups} = \text{Fluid Ounces} \div 8\] \[\text{Fluid Ounces} = \text{Cups} \times 8\]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What's the difference between fluid ounces and regular ounces?

Fluid ounces (fl oz) measure volume, while regular ounces (oz) measure weight. This converter is specifically for fluid ounces.

Why do recipes use both cups and fluid ounces?

Different recipes may use different measurements based on tradition, precision needs, or country of origin. Cups are common in US recipes, while fluid ounces are often used for more precise measurements.

How do liquid and dry measurements differ?

While 1 cup equals 8 fluid ounces for liquids, dry ingredients may have different volume-to-weight ratios. Always use measuring tools specifically designed for your ingredient type.

Are US cups the same as metric cups?

No, there are slight differences: A US cup is 236.59 ml, while a metric cup (used in Australia and Canada) is 250 ml. Imperial cups (UK) are 284.13 ml. This converter uses US cups.

Why does my liquid measuring cup show different measurements on different sides?

Many measuring cups display multiple scales (cups, fluid ounces, and milliliters) to help with recipe conversion. The measurements are proportional: 1 cup = 8 fl oz = 236.59 ml (US measurements).

How accurate do I need to be with liquid measurements?

For most cooking purposes, being within \(\frac{1}{8}\) cup (1 fl oz) is usually acceptable. However, baking and certain recipes may require more precise measurements for best results.

What about ingredients that come in fluid ounces but aren't liquid?

Some ingredients like honey, molasses, or yogurt are often sold by fluid ounces even though they're not purely liquid. The cup conversion still works the same way because it's based on volume, not consistency.

How do I measure sticky liquids accurately?

For sticky liquids like honey or syrup, lightly coat your measuring cup with oil first. This helps the liquid pour out completely, ensuring accurate measurement. Remember that 1 cup = 8 fl oz regardless of the liquid's consistency.

What's the best way to measure small amounts of liquid?

For measurements less than \(\frac{1}{4}\) cup (2 fl oz), it's often more accurate to use measuring spoons: 1 tablespoon = \(\frac{1}{16}\) cup = 0.5 fl oz, and 1 teaspoon = \(\frac{1}{48}\) cup ≈ 0.17 fl oz.

Volume Conversion Code Examples

Converting between fluid ounces and cups is a common task in recipe processing, cooking applications, and kitchen measurement tools. Here are implementations in Python, R, and JavaScript, showcasing different language-specific approaches and best practices.

Each example demonstrates:

  • Function definitions for bidirectional conversion
  • Proper handling of floating-point arithmetic
  • String formatting for measurement units
  • Real-world usage scenarios

Python Volume Converter
def oz_to_cups(ounces):
    return ounces / 8

def cups_to_oz(cups):
    return cups * 8

# Example usage
oz = 16
cups = oz_to_cups(oz)
print(f"{oz} fl oz = {cups} cups")

cups = 2.5
oz = cups_to_oz(cups)
print(f"{cups} cups = {oz} fl oz")
16 fl oz = 2.0 cups
2.5 cups = 20.0 fl oz
R Volume Converter
# Define conversion functions
oz_to_cups <- function(ounces) {
    ounces / 8

cups_to_oz <- function(cups) {
    cups * 8

# Example usage
oz <- 16
cups <- oz_to_cups(oz)
cat(sprintf("%.1f fl oz = %.2f cups\n", oz, cups))

cups <- 2.5
oz <- cups_to_oz(cups)
cat(sprintf("%.1f cups = %.2f fl oz\n", cups, oz))

# Create a conversion table
volumes <- data.frame(
    cups = c(0.25, 0.33, 0.5, 1, 1.5),
    description = c("Quarter cup", "Third cup", "Half cup",
                   "Full cup", "Cup and half")
volumes$fl_oz <- cups_to_oz(volumes$cups)
16.0 fl oz = 2.00 cups
2.5 cups = 20.00 fl oz

# Conversion table output:
cups description fl_oz
1 0.25 Quarter cup 2.00
2 0.33 Third cup 2.64
3 0.50 Half cup 4.00
4 1.00 Full cup 8.00
5 1.50 Cup and half 12.00
JavaScript Volume Converter
function ozToCups(ounces) {
    return ounces / 8;

function cupsToOz(cups) {
    return cups * 8;

// Example usage
const oz = 16;
const cups = ozToCups(oz);
console.log(`${oz} fl oz = ${cups} cups`);

const cups2 = 2.5;
const oz2 = cupsToOz(cups2);
console.log(`${cups2} cups = ${oz2} fl oz`);
16 fl oz = 2 cups
2.5 cups = 20 fl oz

Further Reading

Attribution and Citation

If you found this guide and tools helpful, feel free to link back to this page or cite it in your work!