Understanding *& in C++: References to Pointers Explained

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Understanding *& in C++: References to Pointers

When you encounter *& in C++, you’re looking at a reference to a pointer. While this might seem complex at first, we’ll break it down into simple, understandable concepts and show you how to use it effectively.

📚 References to Pointers Quick Reference
A variable that holds the memory address of another variable, allowing indirect access and manipulation of data.
An alias for an existing variable, providing direct access to its value without using its address explicitly.
A combination of operators in C++ used to declare and work with references to pointers, enabling manipulation of both the pointer and its value.
Accessing the value pointed to by a pointer using the * operator.
Dangling Reference
A reference to a variable or memory location that has gone out of scope or been deallocated, leading to undefined behavior.
Memory Safety
A practice of writing code that avoids common errors like accessing uninitialized pointers, memory leaks, or dangling references.

Basics of Pointers and References

What Are Pointers?

In C++, a pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. Think of it as a “bookmark” that points to the location of data in memory. Instead of holding the actual value, it holds the address where the value is stored.

Analogy: Imagine a pointer as a “GPS location” that guides you to a specific house (the variable) in a city (the memory). The GPS coordinates (the address) are not the house itself, but they tell you where to find it.

Pointer Declaration and Usage

Pointer Declaration and Usage
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int x = 10;         // A regular integer variable
    int* ptr = &x;      // A pointer to x, storing its address

    std::cout << "Value of x: " << x << std::endl;       // Outputs: 10
    std::cout << "Address of x: " << &x << std::endl;  // Outputs the memory address of x
    std::cout << "Value via pointer: " << *ptr << std::endl; // Outputs: 10

    return 0;
Value of x: 10
Address of x: 0x7ff7b1b991c8
Value via pointer: 10

What Are References?

A reference in C++ is an alias for an existing variable. Once a reference is created, it cannot be changed to refer to another variable. References provide a way to work with variables without using their memory addresses directly.

Analogy: If a pointer is like a “GPS location” that points to a house, a reference is like assigning a street name to that house. The street name (reference) always points to the same house, but you can still repaint or renovate the house (modify the variable’s value) while keeping the street name constant.

Reference Declaration and Usage

Reference Declaration and Usage
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int y = 20;          // A regular integer variable
    int& ref = y;       // A reference to y

    std::cout << "Value of y: " << y << std::endl;      // Outputs: 20
    std::cout << "Value via reference: " << ref << std::endl; // Outputs: 20

    ref = 30;            // Modifying the value via the reference
    std::cout << "New value of y: " << y << std::endl; // Outputs: 30

    return 0;
Value of y: 20
Value via reference: 20
New value of y: 30

Why Can We Change the Value via the Reference?

Explanation: In C++, a reference acts as an alias for an existing variable. This means that when you use the reference, you are effectively working directly with the original variable. Any changes made to the reference are immediately reflected in the original variable because the reference does not create a new memory location—it simply points to the existing one.

Key Differences Between Pointers and References

  • A pointer can be reassigned to point to another variable, but a reference cannot be changed once set.
  • Pointers can be null (i.e., point to nothing), but references must always refer to a valid variable.
  • Pointers require explicit dereferencing with *, whereas references can be used directly.

Tip: Use references when you know the target variable will always exist and pointers when you need the flexibility of nullability or reassignment.

Understanding the Syntax

Now that you understand the basics of pointers and references, let’s break down the syntax of *& and how it is used in C++:

Basic Syntax Example
void modifyPointer(int*& ptr) {
    // ptr is a reference to a pointer
    // You can modify both:
    // 1. Where the pointer points to (ptr = &someOtherVar)
    // 2. The value it points to (*ptr = newValue)

Explanation: In this example, int*& ptr means that ptr is a reference to a pointer. This allows the function to modify both the pointer itself and the value it points to. This is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to update a pointer and its target value within a function.

Why Use *&?

  • Flexibility: Modify both the pointer’s target and the data it points to.
  • Efficiency: Pass pointers by reference to avoid unnecessary copying.
  • Dynamic Memory Management: Useful when working with dynamically allocated resources.

Expanded Example: Swapping Pointers

Example: Swapping Pointers
#include <iostream>

void swapPointers(int*& ptr1, int*& ptr2) {
    int* temp = ptr1;  // Store the address of ptr1
    ptr1 = ptr2;       // Assign ptr2's address to ptr1
    ptr2 = temp;       // Assign temp's address to ptr2

int main() {
    int a = 10, b = 20;
    int* ptrA = &a;
    int* ptrB = &b;

    std::cout << "Before swap: *ptrA = " << *ptrA << ", *ptrB = " << *ptrB << std::endl;
    swapPointers(ptrA, ptrB);
    std::cout << "After swap: *ptrA = " << *ptrA << ", *ptrB = " << *ptrB << std::endl;

    return 0;
] Before swap: *ptrA = 10, *ptrB = 20
After swap: *ptrA = 20, *ptrB = 10

What This Code Does: This example swaps two pointers using references. By passing pointers as references, the function can directly modify their values, effectively swapping their targets.

What Does **& Mean?

The syntax **& refers to a reference to a pointer to a pointer. While this may sound complex, it is useful in scenarios where you need to modify a pointer to a pointer, such as when working with multidimensional arrays or dynamic memory.

Example: Modifying a Pointer to a Pointer
#include <iostream>

void modifyPointerToPointer(int**& ptr) {
    static int value = 42;   // A static value for demonstration
    static int* newPtr = &value; // A new pointer pointing to value
    ptr = &newPtr;      // Modify the pointer to pointer to point to newPtr

int main() {
    int x = 10;
    int* px = &x;       // Pointer to x
    int** ppx = &px;    // Pointer to pointer to x

    std::cout << "Before modification: **ppx = " << **ppx << std::endl;
    std::cout << "After modification: **ppx = " << **ppx << std::endl;

    return 0;
Before modification: **ppx = 10
After modification: **ppx = 42

What This Code Does: This example demonstrates modifying a pointer to a pointer. The function changes the double pointer to point to a new pointer, effectively altering the original memory structure.

Dynamic Memory Management Example

Dynamic Memory Management is an essential concept in C++ that allows developers to allocate memory at runtime. This is particularly useful when the size of data structures cannot be determined at compile time. In this section, we will explore how to create and manage dynamic arrays using pointers and references in C++.

We will also demonstrate how to use functions to allocate memory dynamically, initialize data, and safely deallocate memory to prevent leaks. Understanding these concepts will help you write more efficient and flexible code for real-world applications.

Dynamic Memory Management Example
#include <iostream>

// Creates a dynamic array and assigns it to the pointer
void createArray(int*& arr, int size) {
    arr = new int[size]; // Allocate memory for the array
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        arr[i] = i + 1; // Initialize array elements

int main() {
    int* numbers = nullptr; // Pointer to hold the dynamic array
    int size = 3;           // Size of the array

    createArray(numbers, size); // Create and initialize the array

    // Output the array values
    std::cout << "Array values: ";
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        std::cout << numbers[i] << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    delete[] numbers; // Free the allocated memory
    return 0;
Array values: 1 2 3

What the Code Does

This example demonstrates how to dynamically allocate memory for an array and modify it using a reference to a pointer. The createArray function assigns memory to the pointer and initializes its elements. After using the array, memory is freed to avoid leaks.

Best Practices

  • Use *& when you need to modify a pointer’s target within a function
  • Consider alternatives like references or smart pointers for simpler cases
  • Always document when a function will modify the pointer itself
  • Be cautious with memory management when using pointer references

Common Pitfalls

⚠️ Watch out for:

  • Forgetting to initialize pointers before referencing them
  • Memory leaks when reassigning pointers
  • Dangling references if the original pointer goes out of scope

Examples of Common Pitfalls

Uninitialized Pointer
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int* ptr; // Pointer declared but not initialized

    // Attempting to dereference an uninitialized pointer
    std::cout << *ptr << std::endl; // Undefined behavior

    return 0;
Fix: Initialize the Pointer
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int value = 42;
    int* ptr = &value; // Initialize the pointer with a valid address

    std::cout << *ptr << std::endl; // Outputs: 42

    return 0;

Problem: The pointer ptr is not initialized, leaving it pointing to an arbitrary memory location. Dereferencing such a pointer accesses unpredictable data, which is why the program produced a seemingly random value.

Solution: Always initialize pointers to nullptr or a valid address before using them.

Memory Leak
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int* ptr = new int(42); // Dynamically allocate memory

    ptr = new int(100); // Reassign without deleting previous allocation

    // Memory allocated for 42 is leaked

    delete ptr; // Properly delete the last allocation

    return 0;
Fix: Free Memory Before Reassignment
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int* ptr = new int(42); // Dynamically allocate memory

    delete ptr; // Free the first allocation before reassigning

    ptr = new int(100); // Reassign after freeing the memory

    delete ptr; // Free the last allocation

    return 0;

Problem: The memory for the first allocation (42) is not freed, causing a memory leak.

Solution: Always free dynamically allocated memory using delete or delete[] before reassigning the pointer.

Dangling Reference
#include <iostream>

int& createDanglingReference() {
    int x = 10; // Local variable
    return x;   // Returning reference to local variable

int main() {
    int& ref = createDanglingReference();

    // Accessing ref here is undefined behavior
    std::cout << ref << std::endl;

    return 0;
Fix: Use Dynamic Memory
#include <iostream>

int* createValidReference() {
    int* x = new int(10); // Dynamically allocate memory
    return x; // Return pointer to dynamically allocated memory

int main() {
    int* ptr = createValidReference();

    std::cout << *ptr << std::endl; // Outputs: 10

    delete ptr; // Free the allocated memory

    return 0;

Problem: Returning a reference to a local variable creates a dangling reference because the variable goes out of scope.

Solution: Never return references to local variables. Use dynamic memory allocation or pass by value instead.


The *& operator in C++ is a powerful feature that enables direct manipulation of both pointers and their targets. While it might seem complex at first, understanding its proper usage opens up new possibilities for efficient memory management and pointer manipulation in your code.

Congratulations on reading to the end of this tutorial! We hope you now have a better understanding of how to work with references to pointers in C++. For further exploration of C++ programming concepts and advanced techniques, check out the resources in our Further Reading section.

Have fun and happy coding!

Further Reading

  • Online C++ Compiler

    Test and experiment with the dynamic array examples from this blog post using our free online C++ compiler. Practice creating vectors, working with manual arrays, and implementing smart pointers. Try modifying the code samples to understand how different array sizes and data types affect memory management.

  • C++ References Documentation

    A comprehensive guide to understanding references in C++, including syntax and examples.

  • C++ FAQ: References

    Frequently asked questions about references in C++ with insightful explanations and best practices.

  • C++ Pointers Documentation

    An in-depth look at pointers in C++, including pointer arithmetic, dynamic memory, and more.

  • LearnCpp.com: Introduction to Pointers

    A beginner-friendly tutorial that explains pointers in detail with easy-to-follow examples.

  • CPlusPlus.com: Pointer Tutorials

    Provides a structured overview of pointers and their usage in C++ programming.

Attribution and Citation

If you found this guide and tools helpful, feel free to link back to this page or cite it in your work!

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