Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity: A Comprehensive Guide

by | Bioinformatics, Science, Statistics

Diverse jungle ecosystem showing different vegetation layers
Visualization of ecosystem diversity in a temperate jungle, illustrating the complexity of community composition that Bray-Curtis dissimilarity helps us quantify. Image credit: Teo Tarras / Shutterstock

The Bray-Curtis dissimilarity is a fundamental metric in ecological analysis that helps us understand how different two ecological communities are from each other. Whether you’re comparing species abundance between forest plots, analyzing changes in marine ecosystems over time, or studying microbial communities, this metric provides valuable insights into community structure and composition.

🌿 Key Terms: Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity & Ecological Metrics
Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity
A metric used to quantify the compositional dissimilarity between two ecological communities based on species abundance data.
Species Abundance
The number of individuals of a particular species present in a given ecological community.
Beta Diversity
A measure of the differences in species composition between ecological communities, often assessed using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity.
Alpha Diversity
The diversity within a single community, often measured using metrics like Shannon or Simpson’s Index.
Sørensen-Dice Coefficient
A similarity index that compares the presence and absence of species between two communities, related to Bray-Curtis for binary data.
Joint Absence
A scenario where a species is absent from both communities. Bray-Curtis dissimilarity ignores joint absences in its calculations.
Ecological Succession
The process of change in the species composition of an ecosystem over time, often monitored using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity.
Sampling Effort
The amount of effort, such as time or resources, spent on collecting ecological data. Standardizing sampling effort ensures accurate comparisons.


The Bray-Curtis dissimilarity metric, first introduced by J. Roger Bray and John T. Curtis in 1957, is one of the most widely used measures for comparing ecological communities. This metric is particularly valuable in biodiversity research, where understanding the differences between species compositions across sites is critical.

Unlike simple measures that only consider species presence or absence, Bray-Curtis accounts for species abundance, making it an essential tool for studying nuanced ecological patterns. It provides a quantitative way to assess how similar or different two communities are based on the relative abundance of species, rather than just their existence.

Key Features of Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity

  • Bounded Range: Values range from 0 (identical communities) to 1 (completely different communities).
  • Abundance Sensitivity: Accounts for the relative abundance of species, making it more informative than simple presence/absence metrics.
  • Ignores Joint Absences: Species that are absent from both communities do not influence the metric, focusing only on observed data.
  • Ecological Relevance: Widely used in conservation biology, restoration ecology, and environmental impact assessments.

To illustrate its importance, consider the following scenarios:

  • Forest Restoration: Researchers compare the species composition of restored forest plots to reference forests, ensuring restoration efforts align with ecological goals.
  • Marine Biodiversity: Marine ecologists assess how fish populations differ across coral reefs to evaluate the impacts of climate change and fishing practices.
  • Microbial Studies: Scientists analyze microbial community shifts in soil or water ecosystems under varying environmental conditions.

In this guide, we will explore the mathematical foundations of Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, its relationship to other diversity indices, practical implementations in Python and R, and its applications in ecological research.

Why Choose Bray-Curtis?

If your analysis requires an intuitive, abundance-sensitive metric that is robust for ecological comparisons, Bray-Curtis is an excellent choice. Its ability to reflect changes in species composition and abundance makes it a staple in environmental research.

Mathematical Foundations

The Bray-Curtis dissimilarity metric is grounded in a mathematically intuitive framework that allows researchers to quantify the ecological distance between two communities. This metric evaluates the differences in species composition based on abundance, making it particularly effective for comparing biodiversity.

Core Formula

The Bray-Curtis dissimilarity between two communities \(i\) and \(j\) is defined as:

\[ BC_{ij} = 1 – \frac{2C_{ij}}{S_i + S_j} \]


  • \(C_{ij}\) is the sum of the lesser abundances of each species common to both communities.
  • \(S_i\) is the total abundance of all species in community \(i\).
  • \(S_j\) is the total abundance of all species in community \(j\).

This formula ensures that Bray-Curtis dissimilarity is bounded between 0 and 1, where:

  • \(BC = 0\): The communities are identical in species composition and abundance.
  • \(BC = 1\): The communities share no species in common.

Abundance-Based Formula

An equivalent formula often used for abundance data is:

\[ BC_{ij} = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^{n} |x_{ik} – x_{jk}|}{\sum_{k=1}^{n} (x_{ik} + x_{jk})} \]


  • \(x_{ik}\) is the abundance of species \(k\) in community \(i\).
  • \(x_{jk}\) is the abundance of species \(k\) in community \(j\).

This formulation highlights the role of relative abundances in determining dissimilarity.

Key Properties

  • Bounded Range: The metric always falls between 0 and 1, ensuring interpretability.
  • Sensitivity to Abundance: Bray-Curtis considers both the presence and relative abundance of species, offering a richer ecological perspective than binary metrics.
  • Joint Absence Independence: Species absent from both communities do not influence the dissimilarity calculation, focusing on shared species.
  • Asymmetric Contributions: Differences in abundance are proportional, reflecting ecological dominance or rarity.

Worked Example

To better understand the calculation, let’s compare two forest plots with species abundances:

Species Plot A Plot B Lesser Value
Oak 10 4 4
Maple 5 8 5
Pine 2 6 2

Step-by-step calculation:

  1. Sum of lesser values (\(C_{ij}\)): \(4 + 5 + 2 = 11\).
  2. Sum of total abundances in Plot A (\(S_i\)): \(10 + 5 + 2 = 17\).
  3. Sum of total abundances in Plot B (\(S_j\)): \(4 + 8 + 6 = 18\).
  4. Substitute into the formula: \[ BC_{ij} = 1 – \frac{2(11)}{17 + 18} = 1 – \frac{22}{35} \approx 0.371 \]

Important Considerations

  • Data Standardization: Ensure abundance data is standardized if sampling efforts differ between sites.
  • Sensitivity to Dominance: Communities with highly dominant species may skew results, requiring additional analysis.
  • Handling Zero Denominators: When both \(S_i\) and \(S_j\) are zero, Bray-Curtis dissimilarity is undefined.
  • Applicability: Best suited for count or discrete data rather than continuous measurements.

Relationship to Other Metrics

Bray-Curtis dissimilarity is related to other ecological metrics:

Sørensen-Dice Coefficient

For binary presence/absence data, Bray-Curtis simplifies to: \[ BC_{ij} = 1 – \text{Sørensen-Dice} \]

Manhattan Distance

The Manhattan distance between two communities measures the absolute differences in abundances: \[ \text{Manhattan Distance} = \sum_{k=1}^{n} |x_{ik} – x_{jk}| \] Bray-Curtis is essentially a normalized version: \[ BC_{ij} = \frac{\text{Manhattan Distance}}{\text{Total Abundance}} \]

This normalization ensures that Bray-Curtis remains bounded between 0 and 1, making it more interpretable for ecological studies than raw Manhattan distances.

Comparison with Other Indices

Ecological diversity metrics vary in their focus and application. While Bray-Curtis dissimilarity measures between-community differences based on abundance, other metrics like Shannon Index, Simpson’s Index, and Sørensen-Dice emphasize different aspects of diversity. Understanding these differences is crucial for selecting the right metric for your analysis.

Why Compare Metrics?

Each diversity metric offers unique insights. By comparing metrics, researchers can capture complementary perspectives on ecological diversity, ensuring a holistic analysis of their data.

Key Differences

The table below summarizes how Bray-Curtis compares with other commonly used diversity indices:

Feature Bray-Curtis Shannon Index Simpson’s Index Sørensen-Dice
Type of Measure Beta diversity (between communities) Alpha diversity (within a community) Alpha diversity (within a community) Beta diversity (between communities)
Considers Abundance Yes Yes Yes No
Range [0, 1] [0, ln(S)], where S = number of species [0, 1] [0, 1]
Best For Quantifying dissimilarity between communities Assessing species richness and evenness Understanding species dominance Comparing species lists or presence/absence data

Relationship to Shannon Index

The Shannon Index (\(H’\)) is a measure of alpha diversity, capturing the entropy of a single community’s species distribution:

\[ H’ = -\sum_{i=1}^{S} p_i \ln(p_i) \]

where \(p_i\) is the proportion of individuals belonging to species \(i\).

Key Differences:

  • Shannon Index: Focuses on evenness and richness within a single community.
  • Bray-Curtis: Compares two communities by their relative abundances.
  • Shannon Index is more sensitive to rare species, while Bray-Curtis reflects differences in species composition.

Comparison with Simpson’s Index

Simpson’s Index (\(D\)) measures the probability that two randomly selected individuals from a community belong to the same species:

\[ D = \sum_{i=1}^{S} p_i^2 \]

Key Differences:

  • Simpson’s Index: Emphasizes dominant species by weighting common species more heavily.
  • Bray-Curtis: Weighs all species proportionally, making it less sensitive to dominance.
  • Simpson’s Index is better for assessing species dominance, while Bray-Curtis captures community-level differences.

Relationship to Sørensen-Dice

When used with binary presence/absence data, Bray-Curtis dissimilarity simplifies to: \[ BC_{ij} = 1 – \text{Sørensen-Dice Coefficient} \]

The Sørensen-Dice coefficient focuses on shared species between two communities:

\[ \text{Sørensen-Dice} = \frac{2C}{A + B} \]

where \(C\) is the number of shared species, and \(A\) and \(B\) are the total species counts in each community.

When to Use Sørensen-Dice:

  • Data is presence/absence only (binary).
  • Simpler interpretation is needed for species overlap.
  • Focus is on shared species rather than abundance differences.

Practical Example

Consider two forest plots with the following species abundances:

Plot A: Oak (10), Maple (5), Pine (2)
Plot B: Oak (4), Maple (8), Pine (6)
Python Implementation – Complete Diversity Analysis with Detailed Steps
import numpy as np

def verify_shannon_detailed(community, name="Community"):
    Verify Shannon index calculation with detailed intermediate steps

        community: array of species abundances
        name: name of the community for output
    total = np.sum(community)
    proportions = community / total
    logs = np.log(proportions)
    terms = proportions * logs
    h = -np.sum(terms)

    print(f"\nDetailed Shannon Index Calculation for {name}:")
    print("Formula: H' = -Σ(pᵢ × ln(pᵢ))")
    print(f"Total abundance = {total}")

    print("\nStep 1: Calculate proportions (pᵢ)")
    for i, (count, prop) in enumerate(zip(community, proportions)):
        print(f"p_{i+1} = {count}/{total} = {prop:.3f}")

    print("\nStep 2: Calculate natural logarithms (ln(pᵢ))")
    for i, log_val in enumerate(logs):
        print(f"ln({proportions[i]:.3f}) = {log_val:.3f}")

    print("\nStep 3: Calculate products (pᵢ × ln(pᵢ))")
    for i, (prop, log_val, term) in enumerate(zip(proportions, logs, terms)):
        print(f"p_{i+1} × ln(p_{i+1}) = {prop:.3f} × ({log_val:.3f}) = {term:.3f}")

    print("\nStep 4: Sum all terms")
    print(f"Σ(pᵢ × ln(pᵢ)) = {' + '.join([f'({t:.3f})' for t in terms])} = {np.sum(terms):.3f}")

    print("\nStep 5: Apply negative sign to get final result")
    print(f"H' = -({np.sum(terms):.3f}) = {h:.3f}")

    return h

def verify_bray_curtis_detailed(a, b, name1="Plot A", name2="Plot B"):
    Calculate Bray-Curtis dissimilarity with detailed steps

        a, b: arrays of species abundances
        name1, name2: names of the communities being compared
    abs_diff = np.abs(a - b)
    total = np.sum(a + b)
    bc = np.sum(abs_diff) / total if total > 0 else 0

    print(f"\nDetailed Bray-Curtis Calculation between {name1} and {name2}:")
    print("Formula: BC = Σ|x₁ᵢ - x₂ᵢ| / Σ(x₁ᵢ + x₂ᵢ)")

    print("\nStep 1: Calculate absolute differences |x₁ᵢ - x₂ᵢ|")
    for i, (val1, val2, diff) in enumerate(zip(a, b, abs_diff)):
        print(f"Species {i+1}: |{val1} - {val2}| = {diff}")

    print("\nStep 2: Calculate sum of absolute differences")
    print(f"Σ|x₁ᵢ - x₂ᵢ| = {' + '.join(map(str, abs_diff))} = {np.sum(abs_diff)}")

    print("\nStep 3: Calculate denominator (total abundances)")
    print(f"Σ(x₁ᵢ + x₂ᵢ) = {' + '.join(f'({v1}+{v2})' for v1, v2 in zip(a, b))} = {total}")

    print("\nStep 4: Calculate final ratio")
    print(f"BC = {np.sum(abs_diff)}/{total} = {bc:.3f}")

    return bc

def verify_simpson_detailed(community, name="Community"):
    Calculate Simpson's diversity index with detailed steps

        community: array of species abundances
        name: name of the community
    total = np.sum(community)
    proportions = community / total
    squared_props = proportions ** 2
    d = np.sum(squared_props)
    diversity = 1 - d

    print(f"\nDetailed Simpson's Diversity Calculation for {name}:")
    print("Formula: D = Σ(pᵢ)², then calculate 1-D")
    print(f"Total abundance = {total}")

    print("\nStep 1: Calculate proportions (pᵢ)")
    for i, (count, prop) in enumerate(zip(community, proportions)):
        print(f"p_{i+1} = {count}/{total} = {prop:.3f}")

    print("\nStep 2: Square the proportions (pᵢ)²")
    for i, (prop, sq) in enumerate(zip(proportions, squared_props)):
        print(f"p_{i+1}² = ({prop:.3f})² = {sq:.3f}")

    print("\nStep 3: Sum the squared proportions")
    print(f"D = {' + '.join([f'({p:.3f})²' for p in proportions])} = {d:.3f}")

    print("\nStep 4: Calculate diversity (1-D)")
    print(f"1-D = 1 - {d:.3f} = {diversity:.3f}")

    return diversity

def verify_sorensen_dice_detailed(a, b, name1="Plot A", name2="Plot B"):
    Calculate Sørensen-Dice coefficient with detailed steps

        a, b: arrays of species abundances
        name1, name2: names of the communities being compared
    presence_a = (a > 0).astype(int)
    presence_b = (b > 0).astype(int)
    intersection = np.sum(presence_a & presence_b)
    total = np.sum(presence_a) + np.sum(presence_b)
    sorensen = (2 * intersection) / total if total > 0 else 0

    print(f"\nDetailed Sørensen-Dice Calculation between {name1} and {name2}:")
    print("Formula: S = 2C/(A + B), where C = shared species, A & B = total species in each plot")

    print("\nStep 1: Convert to presence/absence")
    print(f"{name1} presence: {presence_a} (total = {np.sum(presence_a)})")
    print(f"{name2} presence: {presence_b} (total = {np.sum(presence_b)})")

    print("\nStep 2: Calculate shared species (C)")
    shared = presence_a & presence_b
    print(f"Shared species vector: {shared}")
    print(f"Number of shared species (C) = {intersection}")

    print("\nStep 3: Calculate denominator (A + B)")
    print(f"Total species in {name1} (A) = {np.sum(presence_a)}")
    print(f"Total species in {name2} (B) = {np.sum(presence_b)}")
    print(f"A + B = {total}")

    print("\nStep 4: Calculate final coefficient")
    print(f"S = (2 × {intersection})/{total} = {sorensen:.3f}")

    return sorensen

# Test data
plot_a = np.array([10, 5, 2])  # Oak, Maple, Pine
plot_b = np.array([4, 8, 6])   # Oak, Maple, Pine

# Test data
plot_a = np.array([10, 5, 2])  # Oak, Maple, Pine
plot_b = np.array([4, 8, 6])   # Oak, Maple, Pine

print("Initial Data:")
print("Plot A:", plot_a, "(Oak, Maple, Pine)")
print("Plot B:", plot_b, "(Oak, Maple, Pine)")
print("\n" + "="*70)

# Calculate all metrics with detailed steps
bc = verify_bray_curtis_detailed(plot_a, plot_b)
print("\n" + "="*70)

h_a = verify_shannon_detailed(plot_a, "Plot A")
print("\n" + "="*70)

h_b = verify_shannon_detailed(plot_b, "Plot B")
print("\n" + "="*70)

d_a = verify_simpson_detailed(plot_a, "Plot A")
print("\n" + "="*70)

d_b = verify_simpson_detailed(plot_b, "Plot B")
print("\n" + "="*70)

sorensen = verify_sorensen_dice_detailed(plot_a, plot_b)
print("\n" + "="*70)

print("\nFinal Results Summary:")
print(f"Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity: {bc:.3f}")
print(f"Shannon Index Plot A: {h_a:.3f}")
print(f"Shannon Index Plot B: {h_b:.3f}")
print(f"Simpson's Diversity Plot A: {d_a:.3f}")
print(f"Simpson's Diversity Plot B: {d_b:.3f}")
print(f"Sørensen-Dice Coefficient: {sorensen:.3f}")

Calculating diversity metrics for these plots:

    Initial Data:
Plot A: [10  5  2] (Oak, Maple, Pine)
Plot B: [4 8 6] (Oak, Maple, Pine)


Detailed Bray-Curtis Calculation between Plot A and Plot B:
Formula: BC = Σ|x₁ᵢ - x₂ᵢ| / Σ(x₁ᵢ + x₂ᵢ)

Step 1: Calculate absolute differences |x₁ᵢ - x₂ᵢ|
Species 1: |10 - 4| = 6
Species 2: |5 - 8| = 3
Species 3: |2 - 6| = 4

Step 2: Calculate sum of absolute differences
Σ|x₁ᵢ - x₂ᵢ| = 6 + 3 + 4 = 13

Step 3: Calculate denominator (total abundances)
Σ(x₁ᵢ + x₂ᵢ) = (10+4) + (5+8) + (2+6) = 35

Step 4: Calculate final ratio
BC = 13/35 = 0.371


Detailed Shannon Index Calculation for Plot A:
Formula: H' = -Σ(pᵢ × ln(pᵢ))
Total abundance = 17

Step 1: Calculate proportions (pᵢ)
p_1 = 10/17 = 0.588
p_2 = 5/17 = 0.294
p_3 = 2/17 = 0.118

Step 2: Calculate natural logarithms (ln(pᵢ))
ln(0.588) = -0.531
ln(0.294) = -1.224
ln(0.118) = -2.140

Step 3: Calculate products (pᵢ × ln(pᵢ))
p_1 × ln(p_1) = 0.588 × (-0.531) = -0.312
p_2 × ln(p_2) = 0.294 × (-1.224) = -0.360
p_3 × ln(p_3) = 0.118 × (-2.140) = -0.252

Step 4: Sum all terms
Σ(pᵢ × ln(pᵢ)) = (-0.312) + (-0.360) + (-0.252) = -0.924

Step 5: Apply negative sign to get final result
H' = -(-0.924) = 0.924


Detailed Shannon Index Calculation for Plot B:
Formula: H' = -Σ(pᵢ × ln(pᵢ))
Total abundance = 18

Step 1: Calculate proportions (pᵢ)
p_1 = 4/18 = 0.222
p_2 = 8/18 = 0.444
p_3 = 6/18 = 0.333

Step 2: Calculate natural logarithms (ln(pᵢ))
ln(0.222) = -1.504
ln(0.444) = -0.811
ln(0.333) = -1.099

Step 3: Calculate products (pᵢ × ln(pᵢ))
p_1 × ln(p_1) = 0.222 × (-1.504) = -0.334
p_2 × ln(p_2) = 0.444 × (-0.811) = -0.360
p_3 × ln(p_3) = 0.333 × (-1.099) = -0.366

Step 4: Sum all terms
Σ(pᵢ × ln(pᵢ)) = (-0.334) + (-0.360) + (-0.366) = -1.061

Step 5: Apply negative sign to get final result
H' = -(-1.061) = 1.061


Detailed Simpson's Diversity Calculation for Plot A:
Formula: D = Σ(pᵢ)², then calculate 1-D
Total abundance = 17

Step 1: Calculate proportions (pᵢ)
p_1 = 10/17 = 0.588
p_2 = 5/17 = 0.294
p_3 = 2/17 = 0.118

Step 2: Square the proportions (pᵢ)²
p_1² = (0.588)² = 0.346
p_2² = (0.294)² = 0.087
p_3² = (0.118)² = 0.014

Step 3: Sum the squared proportions
D = (0.588)² + (0.294)² + (0.118)² = 0.446

Step 4: Calculate diversity (1-D)
1-D = 1 - 0.446 = 0.554


Detailed Simpson's Diversity Calculation for Plot B:
Formula: D = Σ(pᵢ)², then calculate 1-D
Total abundance = 18

Step 1: Calculate proportions (pᵢ)
p_1 = 4/18 = 0.222
p_2 = 8/18 = 0.444
p_3 = 6/18 = 0.333

Step 2: Square the proportions (pᵢ)²
p_1² = (0.222)² = 0.049
p_2² = (0.444)² = 0.198
p_3² = (0.333)² = 0.111

Step 3: Sum the squared proportions
D = (0.222)² + (0.444)² + (0.333)² = 0.358

Step 4: Calculate diversity (1-D)
1-D = 1 - 0.358 = 0.642


Detailed Sørensen-Dice Calculation between Plot A and Plot B:
Formula: S = 2C/(A + B), where C = shared species, A & B = total species in each plot

Step 1: Convert to presence/absence
Plot A presence: [1 1 1] (total = 3)
Plot B presence: [1 1 1] (total = 3)

Step 2: Calculate shared species (C)
Shared species vector: [1 1 1]
Number of shared species (C) = 3

Step 3: Calculate denominator (A + B)
Total species in Plot A (A) = 3
Total species in Plot B (B) = 3
A + B = 6

Step 4: Calculate final coefficient
S = (2 × 3)/6 = 1.000


Final Results Summary:
Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity: 0.371
Shannon Index Plot A: 0.924
Shannon Index Plot B: 1.061
Simpson's Diversity Plot A: 0.554
Simpson's Diversity Plot B: 0.642
Sørensen-Dice Coefficient: 1.000

The analysis reveals that while both forest plots contain identical species (Oak, Maple, Pine; Sørensen-Dice = 1.000), they differ notably in their community structure. Plot B exhibits higher diversity (Shannon H’ = 1.061) and evenness (Simpson’s 1-D = 0.642) compared to Plot A (H’ = 0.924, 1-D = 0.554), indicating a more equitable distribution of species. The moderate Bray-Curtis dissimilarity (0.371) confirms that differences between plots are driven by shifts in relative abundances rather than species composition, with Plot A showing Oak dominance (10:5:2 ratio) while Plot B maintains a more balanced distribution (4:8:6 ratio).

From an ecological perspective, these patterns suggest different successional states or environmental conditions between the plots, with Plot B potentially representing a more mature or stable community structure that could serve as a reference for restoration goals where higher diversity is desired.

Python Implementation

Now that we understand the mathematical foundations of Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, let’s look at its practical implementation in Python and R. Both implementations allow for the metric to be calculated for individual pairs of communities or across multiple sites. We’ll walk through each step to ensure clarity and usability.

Python Implementation

Basic Python Implementation
import numpy as np

def bray_curtis_basic(community1, community2):
    Calculate Bray-Curtis dissimilarity between two communities.

        community1, community2: lists or arrays of species abundances

        float: Bray-Curtis dissimilarity value
    # Convert inputs to numpy arrays for mathematical operations
    c1 = np.array(community1)
    c2 = np.array(community2)

    # Calculate the numerator: the sum of absolute differences
    numerator = np.sum(np.abs(c1 - c2))

    # Calculate the denominator: the sum of total abundances
    denominator = np.sum(c1 + c2)

    # Avoid division by zero by returning 0 if denominator is zero
    return numerator / denominator if denominator > 0 else 0

# Example usage
plot_a = [10, 5, 2]  # Species abundances in Plot A
plot_b = [4, 8, 6]   # Species abundances in Plot B

# Calculate Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
dissimilarity = bray_curtis_basic(plot_a, plot_b)
print(f"Bray-Curtis dissimilarity: {dissimilarity:.3f}")
Bray-Curtis dissimilarity: 0.371


  • np.array(community1): Converts the input lists into numpy arrays for efficient numerical operations.
  • np.sum(np.abs(c1 - c2)): Calculates the sum of absolute differences between the abundances of species shared by the two communities.
  • np.sum(c1 + c2): Computes the total abundance of all species across both communities.
  • The function returns 0 if the denominator is zero to prevent errors when both communities are empty.
Advanced Python Implementation with Pandas
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

def analyze_communities(data):
    Analyze multiple ecological communities using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity.

        data: DataFrame where rows represent communities and columns represent species

        DataFrame: Pairwise Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix
    # Calculate pairwise Bray-Curtis dissimilarities
    dist_matrix = pdist(data.values, metric='braycurtis')

    # Convert to a square matrix for readability
    square_matrix = squareform(dist_matrix)

    # Create a DataFrame for easy interpretation
    return pd.DataFrame(

# Example dataset
data = {
    'Oak': [10, 4, 7, 0],
    'Maple': [5, 8, 3, 2],
    'Pine': [2, 6, 4, 8],
    'Birch': [0, 3, 1, 5]
sites = ['Plot A', 'Plot B', 'Plot C', 'Plot D']

# Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=sites)

# Compute the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix
dissimilarity_matrix = analyze_communities(df)

# Print results
print("Community Composition:")
print("\nBray-Curtis Dissimilarity Matrix:")
Community Composition:
         Oak  Maple  Pine  Birch
Plot A    10      5     2      0
Plot B     4      8     6      3
Plot C     7      3     4      1
Plot D     0      2     8      5

Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity Matrix:
         Plot A  Plot B  Plot C  Plot D
Plot A    0.000   0.421   0.250   0.750
Plot B    0.421   0.000   0.333   0.389
Plot C    0.250   0.333   0.000   0.533
Plot D    0.750   0.389   0.533   0.000


  • pdist(data.values, metric='braycurtis'): Calculates pairwise Bray-Curtis dissimilarities for all communities using the SciPy library.
  • squareform(dist_matrix): Converts the pairwise distances into a symmetric matrix for easier interpretation.
  • pd.DataFrame: Formats the matrix into a readable table with labeled rows and columns for each community.

R Implementation

R Implementation using vegan package
# Load necessary libraries

# Create example data
sites_data <- data.frame(
    Oak = c(10, 4, 7, 0),
    Maple = c(5, 8, 3, 2),
    Pine = c(2, 6, 4, 8),
    Birch = c(0, 3, 1, 5),
    row.names = c("Plot A", "Plot B", "Plot C", "Plot D")

# Calculate Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
bc_dist <- vegdist(sites_data, method = "bray")

# Convert to matrix for easier interpretation
bc_matrix <- as.matrix(bc_dist)

# Print results
print("Community Data:")
print("Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity Matrix:")
print(round(bc_matrix, 3))
Community Data:
          Oak Maple Pine Birch
Plot A    10     5     2     0
Plot B     4     8     6     3
Plot C     7     3     4     1
Plot D     0     2     8     5

Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity Matrix:
         Plot A  Plot B  Plot C  Plot D
Plot A    0.000   0.421   0.250   0.750
Plot B    0.421   0.000   0.333   0.389
Plot C    0.250   0.333   0.000   0.533
Plot D    0.750   0.389   0.533   0.000


  • vegdist: Calculates pairwise dissimilarities using the Bray-Curtis method.
  • as.matrix: Converts the dissimilarity object into a readable matrix format.
  • Row and column names ensure the results are labeled with community names for clarity.

Key Takeaways

  • Both Python and R offer efficient ways to calculate Bray-Curtis dissimilarities, making them suitable for large datasets.
  • Python’s SciPy library and R’s vegan package provide robust and widely-used implementations.
  • Understanding how these calculations are performed ensures you can adapt the methods to your specific ecological datasets.

Extension: Visualizing Results

Both Python and R offer excellent visualization capabilities for Bray-Curtis results:

  • Use heatmaps for dissimilarity matrices
  • Create NMDS (Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling) plots
  • Generate dendrograms for hierarchical clustering
  • Produce ordination plots to visualize community relationships

Applications in Ecology

Bray-Curtis dissimilarity is a cornerstone metric in ecological research due to its versatility and ability to capture differences in species abundance and composition. Below, we explore its key application areas, along with practical examples and considerations for using this metric effectively.

1. Temporal Community Changes

Understanding how ecological communities change over time is critical for monitoring restoration efforts, studying succession, and evaluating the impact of environmental changes. Bray-Curtis dissimilarity provides a quantitative way to track these shifts.

Case Study: Forest Succession

Consider a study of forest recovery after disturbance over 10 years. Early years are dominated by grasses and herbs, transitioning to shrubs and eventually to a tree-dominated system. The species composition at each stage can be compared using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity.

Python Code - Temporal Analysis
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial.distance import braycurtis

# Example data: species abundance over time
data = {
    'Grasses': [80, 30, 10],
    'Herbs': [60, 25, 5],
    'Shrubs': [5, 45, 30],
    'Small Trees': [0, 25, 40],
    'Large Trees': [0, 5, 35]
years = [0, 5, 10]
succession_data = pd.DataFrame(data, index=years)

# Calculate Bray-Curtis dissimilarity for consecutive time points
def temporal_dissimilarity(data):
    results = []
    for i in range(len(data) - 1):
        bc = braycurtis(data.iloc[i], data.iloc[i+1])
            'Period': f"{data.index[i]}-{data.index[i+1]}",
            'Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity': round(bc, 3)
    return pd.DataFrame(results)

changes = temporal_dissimilarity(succession_data)
print("Temporal Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity:\n")
Temporal Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity:

  Period  Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity
    0    0-5                      0.564
    1   5-10                      0.400


Interpretation: The dissimilarity values indicate that the largest community shift occurred between years 0 and 5, reflecting the transition from grasses and herbs to shrubs. The change slows down between years 5 and 10 as the forest matures.

2. Spatial Community Comparisons

Bray-Curtis dissimilarity is widely used to compare ecological communities across different spatial locations. These comparisons help identify patterns of biodiversity and the influence of environmental gradients on species composition.

Example: Coral Reef Communities

Marine ecologists often compare reef fish communities across different depths to assess how environmental factors such as light and pressure affect biodiversity. Bray-Curtis dissimilarity quantifies the differences between shallow, mid-depth, and deep reef zones.

R Code - Spatial Analysis
# Load necessary libraries

# Example data: fish abundance at different depths
reef_data <- data.frame(
    Parrotfish = c(45, 30, 5),
    Surgeonfish = c(35, 40, 15),
    Grouper = c(10, 25, 40),
    Snapper = c(5, 15, 35),
    row.names = c("Shallow", "Mid-depth", "Deep")

# Calculate Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
bc_dist <- vegdist(reef_data, method = "bray")

# Convert to a matrix for easy viewing
bc_matrix <- as.matrix(bc_dist)

# Display results
print("Reef Fish Communities:")
print("\nBray-Curtis Dissimilarity Matrix:")
print(round(bc_matrix, 3))
Reef Fish Communities:

         Parrotfish Surgeonfish Grouper Snapper
Shallow          45         35      10       5
Mid-depth        30         40      25      15
Deep              5         15      40      35

Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity Matrix:

           Shallow Mid-depth  Deep
Shallow     0.000     0.220 0.632
Mid-depth   0.220     0.000 0.415
Deep        0.632     0.415 0.000

Interpretation: The high dissimilarity between shallow and deep zones (\(BC = 0.714\)) reflects significant differences in fish species composition, likely driven by environmental gradients such as light availability and habitat structure.

3. Impact Assessment and Conservation Planning

Bray-Curtis dissimilarity is essential in assessing human impacts on ecosystems and informing conservation decisions. By comparing disturbed and undisturbed sites or potential protected areas, ecologists can identify priority areas for restoration or conservation.

Key Considerations for Impact Studies:

  • Include control sites to establish a baseline for comparison.
  • Account for temporal and spatial variability in sampling efforts.
  • Use complementary metrics to assess ecosystem health comprehensively.

Interpretation Guidelines

General Rules of Thumb for Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity:

  • BC < 0.25: Communities are very similar in species composition. This typically indicates significant overlap in species and similar relative abundances.
  • 0.25 ≤ BC < 0.50: Moderate differences exist between communities. These differences may arise due to environmental gradients, disturbance, or varying habitat types.
  • 0.50 ≤ BC < 0.75: Substantial differences in community structure are present. This range often suggests major shifts in species composition or abundance, such as those caused by significant ecological or environmental changes.
  • BC ≥ 0.75: Communities are highly distinct, with minimal overlap in species or highly unequal relative abundances. This can occur in vastly different habitats or ecosystems.

Important Considerations:

  • Context Matters: These thresholds are not absolute and should be adapted based on the ecosystem being studied. For example, naturally high species turnover in tropical rainforests may result in BC values > 0.50 even among nearby communities.
  • Sampling Effort: Uneven sampling across sites or time periods can artificially inflate Bray-Curtis values. Standardize effort whenever possible.
  • Species Pool Size: In ecosystems with small species pools, even minor differences in abundance can lead to high dissimilarity values.
  • Complementary Metrics: Pair Bray-Curtis with alpha diversity indices (e.g., Shannon or Simpson’s Index) to gain a holistic understanding of community structure.

Ultimately, the interpretation of Bray-Curtis values depends on the ecological and environmental context, the research question, and the sampling design. Researchers should use these thresholds as a starting point, refining them based on the specific characteristics of their study.

Best Practices

  1. Data Collection:
    • Use standardized sampling methods to minimize bias.
    • Record environmental variables for a comprehensive analysis.
    • Document sampling effort to ensure comparability across sites.
  2. Data Processing:
    • Normalize abundance data if sampling efforts differ.
    • Address missing values appropriately (e.g., imputation or exclusion).
    • Consider log-transforming data for highly skewed distributions.
  3. Analysis:
    • Combine Bray-Curtis with other metrics (e.g., Shannon Index) for a holistic view.
    • Visualize results using heatmaps, ordination plots, or dendrograms.
    • Interpret findings in the context of ecological and environmental factors.


Throughout this guide, we’ve explored the foundations, implementations, and applications of Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, a powerful metric for quantifying differences between ecological communities. By capturing both species composition and relative abundance, Bray-Curtis serves as a versatile tool in ecological research, conservation planning, and biodiversity monitoring.

Key Takeaways:

  • Interpretability: Bray-Curtis provides clear, bounded values between 0 and 1, making it easy to compare community differences.
  • Flexibility: It works well with abundance data, presence/absence data, or even transformed datasets for robust analyses.
  • Applications: From monitoring ecological succession to assessing the impact of environmental changes, Bray-Curtis supports a wide range of use cases.

As with any metric, Bray-Curtis dissimilarity is most effective when paired with other indices and used in the context of well-designed studies. Whether you’re tracking the recovery of a forest, comparing coral reef communities, or studying microbial ecosystems, this metric can provide valuable insights into the complexities of biodiversity.

If you found this guide helpful, please consider citing or sharing it with fellow ecologists and data scientists. For more resources on ecological metrics, diversity indices, and practical implementations, check out our Further Reading section.

Happy analyzing!

Further Reading

Core Concepts and Theory

Implementation Resources

  • scikit-bio Documentation

    Python library with robust implementations of ecological diversity metrics, including Bray-Curtis dissimilarity.

  • vegan Package Documentation

    Comprehensive R package for community ecology, featuring extensive tools for diversity analysis.

Related Articles

Advanced Applications

Attribution and Citation

If you found this guide helpful, please consider citing it in your work!

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Suf is a senior advisor in data science with deep expertise in Natural Language Processing, Complex Networks, and Anomaly Detection. Formerly a postdoctoral research fellow, he applied advanced physics techniques to tackle real-world, data-heavy industry challenges. Before that, he was a particle physicist at the ATLAS Experiment of the Large Hadron Collider. Now, he’s focused on bringing more fun and curiosity to the world of science and research online.

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