Understanding the OR Operator in R

by | Data Science, Programming, R

The OR operator is a fundamental component of logical operations in R programming. Whether you’re filtering data, creating conditional statements, or building complex logical expressions, understanding how to use OR effectively can significantly enhance your data manipulation capabilities.

Understanding the OR Operator

In R, the OR operator is used to evaluate conditions and determine if at least one of them is TRUE. R provides two forms of the OR operator:

  • | (single pipe): A vectorized operator that compares elements of two vectors pairwise. It evaluates all elements and returns a vector of TRUE or FALSE values corresponding to each comparison.
  • || (double pipe): A logical short-circuiting operator that evaluates only the first elements of two vectors (or scalars) and returns a single TRUE or FALSE. It stops evaluation as soon as it encounters a TRUE, making it efficient for scalar conditions.

The OR operator is widely used in conditional statements where multiple criteria need to be evaluated. Its behavior depends on whether you are working with vectors or scalar values:

Syntax and Usage

Let’s look at the basic syntax of the OR operator:

Basic OR Operations
# Basic logical operations
TRUE | FALSE    # Returns TRUE
TRUE | TRUE     # Returns TRUE

# Using with conditions
x <- 5
x < 3 | x > 4   # Returns TRUE because x > 4 is TRUE

Working with a Real Dataset

Let’s create a realistic dataset of customer orders and demonstrate how to use the OR operator for data filtering:

Creating Sample Dataset
# Set seed for reproducibility

# Create customer orders dataset
customer_orders <- data.frame(
  order_id = 1:100,
  product_category = sample(
    c("Electronics", "Books", "Clothing", "Home"),
    replace = TRUE
  order_value = round(runif(100, 10, 500), 2),
  priority_shipping = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 100, replace = TRUE),
  customer_type = sample(
    c("Regular", "Premium", "VIP"),
    replace = TRUE,
    prob = c(0.6, 0.3, 0.1)

# Display first few rows
order_id    product_category    order_value    priority_shipping    customer_type
       1           Clothing          303.99               FALSE          Premium
       2           Clothing          173.08               FALSE          Regular
       3           Clothing          249.42               FALSE          Premium
       4              Books          477.69                TRUE          Premium
       5           Clothing          246.62               FALSE          Premium
       6              Books          446.27               FALSE          Regular

With this dataset ready, let’s apply the OR operator to filter the data. The goal is to identify orders that either:

  • Have a high order value (> 400), or
  • Opted for priority shipping.
Filtering with OR Operator
# Filter high-value orders or priority shipping
high_priority_orders <- customer_orders[
  customer_orders$order_value > 400 |
  customer_orders$priority_shipping == TRUE,

# Display results
order_id    product_category    order_value    priority_shipping    customer_type
       4              Books          477.69                TRUE          Premium
       6              Books          446.27               FALSE          Regular
       7              Books          458.07               FALSE          Regular
       8              Books          308.28                TRUE          Regular
      11               Home          468.30               FALSE          Regular
      12              Books          157.60                TRUE          Regular


  • The condition customer_orders$order_value > 400 captures high-value orders.
  • The condition customer_orders$priority_shipping == TRUE captures orders with priority shipping.
  • The OR operator | ensures that rows meeting either condition are included in the filtered results.

This demonstrates how the OR operator simplifies filtering data in real-world scenarios.

Advanced Usage and Best Practices

Tips for using the OR operator effectively:

  • Use parentheses: When combining multiple logical operators, parentheses ensure the correct order of evaluation and improve code readability.
  • Leverage %in%: Use %in% with OR to efficiently check if a value belongs to a set of possible options.
  • Handle NA values: Logical operators with NA can yield unexpected results. Use is.na() to explicitly handle missing values.
  • Use vectorized |: For operations on data frames or vectors, always use the vectorized | for better performance and accuracy.
Advanced OR Operations
# Combining OR and AND operators with parentheses
complex_filter <- customer_orders[
  (customer_orders$customer_type == "VIP" |
   customer_orders$order_value > 450) &
  customer_orders$product_category %in% c("Electronics", "Home"),

# Explanation:
# 1. Include orders where the customer is "VIP" or the order value is greater than 450.
# 2. Further filter to include only "Electronics" and "Home" categories.

# Using %in% with OR for more readable checks
priority_categories <- customer_orders[
  customer_orders$product_category %in% c("Electronics", "Books") |
  customer_orders$priority_shipping == TRUE,

# Explanation:
# 1. Include orders where the product category is either "Electronics" or "Books".
# 2. Alternatively, include orders with priority shipping.

Output for Complex Filter:

order_id    product_category    order_value    priority_shipping    customer_type
      11               Home          468.30               FALSE          Regular
      14         Electronics          474.39               FALSE          Regular
      18         Electronics          477.50                TRUE          Regular
      27               Home           85.56                TRUE              VIP
      39         Electronics          490.11               FALSE          Premium
      40               Home          225.32                TRUE              VIP

Output for Priority Categories:

order_id    product_category    order_value    priority_shipping    customer_type
       4              Books          477.69                TRUE          Premium
       6              Books          446.27               FALSE          Regular
       7              Books          458.07               FALSE          Regular
       8              Books          308.28                TRUE          Regular
      10         Electronics           82.08               FALSE          Regular
      12              Books          157.60                TRUE          Regular

Best Practices in Action:

  • Using parentheses in complex_filter ensures the correct precedence of OR (|) and AND (&), avoiding logical errors.
  • The use of %in% in priority_categories simplifies checking membership in a predefined set, making the code concise and readable.
  • Explicit filtering of NA values (if present) should be added to ensure accurate filtering results when datasets contain missing data.

Logical Precedence in R

Logical precedence in R determines the order in which logical operators are evaluated when multiple operators are used in a single expression. By default, the AND operator (&) has higher precedence than the OR operator (|). This means that conditions connected with & are evaluated first, unless parentheses are used to explicitly define the order of operations.

For example, in the expression x > 5 | x < 3 & x != 4, the part x < 3 & x != 4 will be evaluated before x > 5.

To avoid confusion and ensure clarity, always use parentheses when combining logical operators, such as (x > 5 | x < 3) & x != 4.

Explanation of the Expression

Parentheses: (x > 5 | x < 3) ensures that this part is evaluated first due to the parentheses, combining the OR (|) operation.

OR Operator (|): This checks if x is either greater than 5 OR less than 3.

AND Operator (&): The result of the first part is combined with the condition x != 4 (i.e., x is not equal to 4).

Handling NAs in R

Missing values (NAs) are a common challenge in data analysis. R provides several powerful tools for detecting and handling missing values. This guide demonstrates practical approaches to working with NAs using logical operators, particularly the OR operator (|).

Detection and Analysis of Missing Values

In healthcare data analysis, it's crucial to identify records with missing vital signs. The following example shows how to detect missing values across multiple columns using the OR operator:

Finding Missing Values with OR
# Create a sample patient dataset
patient_data <- data.frame(
  patient_id = 1:5,
  blood_pressure = c(120, NA, 118, 125, NA),
  heart_rate = c(72, 68, NA, 75, 80),
  temperature = c(98.6, NA, 98.2, NA, 98.8)

# Find patients with missing vital signs (any of BP, HR, or temperature)
missing_vitals <- which(
  is.na(patient_data$blood_pressure) |
  is.na(patient_data$heart_rate) |

# Print patient IDs with incomplete vital signs
print("Patient IDs with missing vital signs:")

# Alternative using subset
incomplete_records <- subset(
  is.na(blood_pressure) | is.na(heart_rate) | is.na(temperature)
print("\nRecords of patients with missing vitals:")
Records of patients with missing vitals:
patient_id    blood_pressure    heart_rate    temperature
        2              NA            68              NA
        3             118            NA            98.2
        4             125            75              NA
        5              NA            80            98.8

Excluding Records with Missing Values

Often, analyses require complete cases only. Here's how to exclude records with any missing values using two different methods. The key is using the negation operator (!) in combination with is.na() and OR (|):

Excluding Missing Values
# Method 1: Using subset() with negation
complete_patients <- subset(
  !(is.na(blood_pressure) | is.na(heart_rate) | is.na(temperature))

# Method 2: Using logical indexing
complete_patients2 <- patient_data[
  !(is.na(patient_data$blood_pressure) |
    is.na(patient_data$heart_rate) |

print("Complete patient records:")
patient_id    blood_pressure    heart_rate    temperature
        1             120            72           98.6

Key Points:

  • The OR operator (|) helps identify rows where ANY of the specified conditions are true
  • Combining is.na() with OR is particularly useful for finding records with missing values in any of several columns
  • The negation operator (!) can be used to reverse the condition and find complete records
  • Both subset() and logical indexing are valid approaches - choose based on your preferred syntax

Understanding these patterns is essential for data cleaning and preparation in R, particularly when working with real-world datasets where missing values are common.


The OR operator in R is a versatile tool for building flexible and complex logical conditions. By understanding the difference between | and ||, you can write efficient and accurate code for filtering and analyzing data.

When combined with other logical operators, the OR operator becomes a powerful asset in data manipulation tasks. The examples provided illustrate its practical applications, which can be extended to any dataset or logical operation in R.

Congratulations on reading to the end of this tutorial! For further reading please see the section below. Have fund and happy researching!

Further Reading

  • R Documentation: Logical Operators

    The official R documentation provides comprehensive technical details about logical operators, including the OR operator. You'll find detailed explanations of operator precedence, vectorization behavior, and how R handles missing values in logical operations. This resource is particularly valuable for understanding the subtle differences between | and || operators.

  • Data Manipulation with dplyr

    The dplyr package documentation shows how to combine logical operators with modern data manipulation techniques. The filter() function documentation specifically demonstrates how to use OR operations effectively within the tidyverse ecosystem, offering examples of complex filtering conditions and best practices for data frame operations.

  • R for Data Science: Logical Operations

    A detailed chapter from the renowned "R for Data Science" book that covers logical operations in depth. This resource provides practical examples of using logical operators in data analysis workflows, with clear explanations of common patterns and potential pitfalls to avoid.

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