How to Convert Strings to Upper/Lower Case in C++

by | C++

In this guide, we’ll explore different methods to convert strings to upper and lower case in C++. We’ll cover both traditional approaches and modern C++ techniques, helping you choose the most appropriate method for your needs.

📚 String Case Conversion Quick Reference
A universal character encoding standard that allows text representation across different languages and scripts. Essential for proper internationalization.
ICU (International Components for Unicode)
A robust library for Unicode and globalized text handling, supporting locale-aware case conversion, collation, and more.
A set of parameters defining regional settings, such as language, date format, and text case conversion rules (e.g., Greek locale for correct ‘Σ’ to ‘σ/ς’ handling).
A powerful STL algorithm for applying transformations, such as character case conversion, on containers like strings.
toupper / tolower
C-style functions for converting characters to uppercase or lowercase. Not Unicode-aware and limited to single-byte character sets.
A popular Unicode encoding that supports all characters in a variable-length format. Widely used for web and cross-platform text representation.
Context-Sensitive Case Conversion
Case transformations that depend on a character’s position or locale (e.g., Greek ‘Σ’ becomes ‘σ’ or ‘ς’).
A process in Unicode to ensure that text with equivalent visual representations has the same encoding, crucial for reliable comparisons and transformations.

Basic Character Conversion

The simplest way to convert string case is using the C-style functions toupper() and tolower() from the cctype library.

Basic Case Conversion
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>

int main() {
    std::string text = "Hello, World!";    // Original text

    // Convert to upper case
    for(char &c : text) {                  // Iterate through each character
        c = std::toupper(c);               // Convert character to upper case
    std::cout << "Upper case: " << text << '\n';

    // Convert to lower case
    for(char &c : text) {                  // Iterate through each character
        c = std::tolower(c);               // Convert character to lower case
    std::cout << "Lower case: " << text << '\n';

    return 0;
Upper case: HELLO, WORLD!
Lower case: hello, world!

Using STL Algorithms

A more modern approach uses the STL algorithm transform along with toupper or tolower.

STL Transform Approach
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>

int main() {
    std::string text = "Hello, World!";    // Original text

    // Create a copy for upper case
    std::string upper = text;              // Make a copy of original text
    std::transform(upper.begin(),          // Transform each character
                  upper.end(),             // in the string
                  upper.begin(),           // starting from beginning
                  ::toupper);              // using toupper function

    // Create a copy for lower case
    std::string lower = text;              // Make a copy for lower case
    std::transform(lower.begin(),          // Transform each character
                  lower.end(),             // in the string
                  lower.begin(),           // starting from beginning
                  ::tolower);              // using tolower function

    // Print results
    std::cout << "Original: " << text << '\n'
              << "Upper: " << upper << '\n'
              << "Lower: " << lower << '\n';

    return 0;
Original: Hello, World!
Lower: hello, world!

Custom Conversion Functions

Creating wrapper functions can make case conversion more convenient and reusable.

Custom Case Conversion Functions
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>

// Function to convert string to upper case
std::string toUpper(std::string str) {     // Takes string by value
    std::transform(str.begin(),            // Transform entire string
                  str.end(),               // from beginning to end
                  str.begin(),             // store result from beginning
                  ::toupper);              // using toupper function
    return str;                            // Return modified copy

// Function to convert string to lower case
std::string toLower(std::string str) {     // Takes string by value
    std::transform(str.begin(),            // Transform entire string
                  str.end(),               // from beginning to end
                  str.begin(),             // store result from beginning
                  ::tolower);              // using tolower function
    return str;                            // Return modified copy

int main() {
    std::string text = "Hello, World!";

    // Using our custom functions
    std::cout << "Original: " << text << '\n'
              << "Upper: " << toUpper(text) << '\n'
              << "Lower: " << toLower(text) << '\n'
              << "Original remains: " << text << '\n';

    return 0;
Original: Hello, World!
Lower: hello, world!
Original remains: Hello, World!

Locale-Aware Conversion

For proper handling of international characters, use locale-aware versions.

Locale-Aware Case Conversion
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <locale>

int main() {
    std::string text = "Hello, München!";  // Text with umlaut
    std::locale loc("en_US.UTF-8");        // Create locale object

    std::string upper = text;              // Copy for upper case
    std::transform(upper.begin(),          // Transform string
                  upper.end(),             // from start to end
                  upper.begin(),           // store from beginning
                  [&loc](char c) {         // Lambda for conversion
                      return std::toupper(c, loc);

    std::cout << "Upper: " << upper << '\n';

    return 0;

Key Challenges in Unicode Case Conversion

Important: Simple case conversion methods in C++ often fall short when dealing with Unicode text. Here's why:

  • Standard C++ string operations are byte-oriented, not Unicode-aware.
  • Simple case conversion fails with multi-character mappings like 'ß' (which should become 'SS').
  • Context-sensitive characters like Greek 'Σ' require different lowercase forms ('σ' or 'ς') based on their position in the word.
  • Locale-specific rules (e.g., Turkish 'I' → 'ı') aren't handled properly.
  • UTF-8 strings can be corrupted by naive substring operations.

The ICU Library Solution

For proper Unicode case conversion, use the ICU (International Components for Unicode) library:

ICU Library Case Conversion Example
#include <unicode/unistr.h>
#include <unicode/ustream.h>
#include <unicode/locid.h>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    // Greek text "Οδυσσέας" (Ulysses)
    const char* text = u8"Οδυσσέας";      // UTF-8 encoded string

    // Convert to ICU's Unicode string
    icu::UnicodeString ustr1(text, "UTF-8");
    icu::UnicodeString ustr2(text, "UTF-8");

    // Greek locale
    icu::Locale greekLocale("el");

    // Convert to upper case with Greek locale
    std::cout << ustr1.toUpper(greekLocale) << "\n";

    // Convert to lower case with Greek locale
    std::cout << ustr2.toLower(greekLocale) << "\n";

    return 0;

Why ICU is Better:

  • Handles multi-character mappings (ß → SS)
  • Supports context-sensitive conversions (Σ → σ/ς)
  • Proper locale handling (Turkish I → ı)
  • Full Unicode normalization support
  • Reliable across all platforms

Installing ICU4C

To use the ICU library, you'll need to install ICU4C. Follow the instructions below for your platform:


Steps for Windows
  1. Download the latest ICU4C precompiled binaries for Windows from the ICU GitHub Releases.
  2. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a directory, e.g., C:\icu.
  3. Add C:\icu\bin to your system's PATH environment variable.
  4. Link the library files (e.g., icuuc.lib, icuin.lib) in your project's build settings.


Installation Command for Linux
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libicu-dev

This installs the development headers and libraries required for building projects with ICU support on Debian-based systems (e.g., Ubuntu).

For Fedora/CentOS-based systems, use:

sudo dnf install libicu-devel

Or, if using yum:

sudo yum install libicu-devel

Compile on Linux

Compilation Command
g++ -Wall -std=c++17 main.cpp -I/usr/include -L/usr/lib -licuuc -licuio

This command compiles the program with ICU headers and libraries located in the default system paths. Ensure you have libicu-dev installed.

Explanation of the flags:

  • -Wall: Enables all warnings to help identify potential issues.
  • -std=c++17: Ensures the compiler uses C++17 features required by ICU.
  • -I/usr/include: Specifies the path to ICU header files (default for package manager installations).
  • -L/usr/lib: Specifies the path to ICU library files (default for package manager installations).
  • -licuuc -licuio: Links the Unicode (`icuuc`) and I/O (`icuio`) libraries from ICU.

Custom ICU Installation on Linux

For Custom Installations

If you built ICU from source or installed it in a custom directory, update the include and library paths accordingly. For example:

g++ -Wall -std=c++17 main.cpp -I/path/to/icu/include -L/path/to/icu/lib -licuuc -licuio

Replace /path/to/icu with the actual installation directory of your ICU library, which you can check by doing:

find / -name "icu" 2>/dev/null


Verify ICU Installation

This command outputs information about the installed ICU version and its configuration. If it is not available, ensure libicu-dev or libicu-devel is correctly installed.


Installation Command for macOS
brew install icu4c

After installation, ensure you link the ICU library during compilation:

g++ -Wall -std=c++17 main.cpp -I/usr/local/opt/icu4c/include -L/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib -licuuc -licuio

Verifying Installation

Verification Command

If installed correctly, this command will display detailed information about your ICU library installation.

Best Practices for String Case Conversion

When working with string case conversion in C++, consider these best practices:

  • Use the ICU library for robust and reliable Unicode-aware transformations. This is essential when dealing with international text, locale-specific rules, or context-sensitive characters.
  • Leverage STL's std::transform for clean, modern code when working with single-byte character sets.
  • Create wrapper functions to simplify case conversion logic and make your code reusable.
  • Prefer locale-aware methods (e.g., ICU's toLower and toUpper) over basic functions like toupper and tolower to handle special cases like Turkish 'I' → 'ı'.
  • For small-scale projects or performance-critical scenarios, basic C-style functions may suffice, but ensure proper validation for input encoding.
  • Always validate and normalize Unicode input to prevent inconsistencies in text processing.
  • When working with UTF-8 encoded strings, avoid direct manipulation (e.g., substring operations) and instead use libraries like ICU to preserve string integrity.


In this tutorial, we've explored a variety of methods for string case conversion in C++. From basic techniques to advanced Unicode handling, here's a recap of what we've covered:

  • Challenges with Unicode Case Conversion: Recognizing the limitations of standard C++ functions and the importance of locale and Unicode-aware methods.
  • ICU Library Solution: Leveraging the ICU library for robust, locale-aware string transformations, with installation and usage guidance for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Basic Character Manipulation: Using toupper and tolower for simple, single-byte character conversions.
  • STL Algorithms: Applying std::transform for clean, modern C++ code and functional-style transformations.
  • Custom Functions: Writing reusable wrapper functions to streamline case conversion logic in your applications.
  • Locale-Aware Methods: Ensuring international text is handled correctly by using locale-specific solutions.
  • Best Practices: Choosing the right approach based on project requirements, performance considerations, and Unicode needs.

Choose the method that best fits your needs, whether it's simple loops for basic cases or the ICU library for advanced, internationalized applications.

Congratulations on reading to the end of this tutorial! We hope you now have a better understanding of string case conversion in C++. For further exploration of string manipulation, Unicode, and related documentation, check out the resources in our Further Reading section.

Have fun and happy coding!

Further Reading

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If you found this guide and tools helpful, feel free to link back to this page or cite it in your work!

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