by Suf | May 8, 2022 | Programming, R, Tips
This error occurs if you try to use rbind to row-bind two data frames with mismatching numbers of columns. We can solve the error by using the bind rows function from the dplyr package. This tutorial will go through how to solve the error with code examples. Table of...
by Suf | May 8, 2022 | Programming, R, Tips
This error occurs if you try to use an if statement to evaluate a condition in an object with multiple elements, like a vector. The if() function can only check one element to evaluate a condition. You can solve this error by using the ifelse() function, which...
by Suf | May 8, 2022 | Programming, R, Tips
This error occurs when you try to run chunks of code in an Rmd file like a normal R script. RStudio tries to run the highlighted code as R code, including the markdown parts. You can solve this error by clicking the green play button next to an individual code chunk...
by Suf | May 8, 2022 | Programming, R, Tips
This warning occurs when you try to convert a vector containing non-numeric values to a numeric vector. As this is a warning, you do not need to solve anything. However, you can replace non-numeric values or suppress the warning using suppressWarnings(). This tutorial...
by Suf | May 8, 2022 | Programming, R, Tips
This error occurs when you try to replace a value in a vector with a value of length zero. A value of length zero does not exist is the same as saying the value does not exist. This error typically happens when trying to use the zeroth index of a vector. In R, indexes...
by Suf | May 8, 2022 | Programming, R, Tips
If you try to perform k-means clustering with data containing missing values, NaN or Inf, you will raise the error: in do_one(nmeth) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg1). In R, The K-means algorithm cannot handle data with NA, NaN, or Inf values. By...